Vol.13 No.1 Apr                   Back to the articles list | Back to browse issues page

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College of Medicine, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq
Abstract:   (311 Views)
Background: Several studies provide evidence for a role of serum cytokines imbalance including IL-10 and IL-27 in immune thrombocytopenia pathogenesis and prognosis. The aim of this study was designed to investigate the role of serum levels of IL-10 and IL-27 in prognosis the efficiency of treatment in thrombocytopenic Iraqi children
Methods: This case controls study was carried out at Department of Biochemistry, College of Medicine, University of Baghdad, during the period from October 2023 to March 2024. It included 88 children, 63 children previously diagnosed with immune thrombocytopenia, and 25 apparently healthy children who served as control group. The included immune thrombocytopenic children were sub-grouped according to their treatment into three groups: Romiplostim group (group 1), Prednisolone group (group 2), Prednisolone and intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) or Prednisolone and mycophenolate group (group 3). Investigations included serum level measurements of IL-10 and IL-27 by using enzyme linked immunosorbent assay ELISA. Platelet count of each included children was measured by Huma Count 30 TS Human, Germany.
Results: The mean (±SEM) values of serum IL-10 and IL-27 levels of immune thrombocytopenic children were insignificantly lower than that of controls. In addition, there was non- significant differences in serum levels of IL-10 and IL-27 among and between the three groups of patient children. The mean value of platelet count of patient children was significantly increased by all types of treatment in whole immune thrombocytopenic children (117.48±18.15*10^9/L).
Conclusion: Measurement of serum IL-10 and IL-27 are helpful biomarker in prognosis of thrombocytopenia irrespective of type of treatment.
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Type of Article: Original Article | Subject: Biochemistry
Received: 2024/03/30 | Accepted: 2024/07/22

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