Volume 11, Issue 1 (Vol.11 No.1 Apr 2022)                   rbmb.net 2022, 11(1): 44-53 | Back to browse issues page

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Ebrahimi S, Rezaei Fakhrnezhad F, Jahangiri S, Borjkhani M, Behboodi R, Monfaredan A. The IGSF1, Wnt5a, FGF14, and ITPR1 Gene Expression and Prognosis Hallmark of Prostate Cancer. rbmb.net 2022; 11 (1) :44-53
URL: http://rbmb.net/article-1-569-en.html
Department of Hematology, Faculty of Medicine, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
Abstract:   (3387 Views)
Background: Prostate cancer is considered as the second leading cause of cancer related death in men worldwide and the third frequent cancer among Iranian men. Despite the use of PSA as the only biomarker for early diagnosis of prostate cancer, its application in clinical settings is under debate. Therefore, the introduction of new molecular markers for early detection of prostate cancer is needed.

Methods: In the present study we intended to evaluate the expression of IGSF1, Wnt5a, FGF14, and ITPR1 in prostate cancer specimens by real time PCR. Biopsy samples of 40 prostate cancer cases and 41 healthy Iranian men were compared to determine the relative gene expression of IGSF1, Wnt5a, FGF14, and ITPR1 by real time PCR.

Results: Our results showed that Wnt5a, FGF14, and IGSF1 were significantly overexpressed in the prostate cancer patients while the mean relative expression of ITPR1 showed a significant decrease in PCa samples compared to healthy controls.

Conclusions: According to results of the present study, the combination panel of IGSF1, Wnt5a, FGF14, and ITPR1 genes could be considered as potential genetic markers for prostate cancer diagnosis. However further studies on larger populations and investigating the clinicopathological relevance of these genes is needed.
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Type of Article: Original Article | Subject: Molecular Biology
Received: 2020/09/8 | Accepted: 2020/09/29 | Published: 2022/05/26

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