Volume 9, Issue 3 (Vol.9 No.3 Oct 2020)                   rbmb.net 2020, 9(3): 291-296 | Back to browse issues page

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Nourolahzadeh Z, Houshmand S M, Mostafa Mohammad F, Ghorbian S. Correlation between Lsp1 (Rs3817198) and Casc (Rs4784227) Polymorphisms and the Susceptibility to Breast Cancer. rbmb.net 2020; 9 (3) :291-296
URL: http://rbmb.net/article-1-436-en.html
Department of Molecular Biology, Ahar Branch Islamic Azad University, Ahar, Iran & Knowledge University, Erbil Kurdistan region, Iraq.
Abstract:   (3683 Views)
Background: Breast cancer is classified as one of the common cancers among women worldwide. Within numerous genetic factors involved in the development of breast cancer, lsp1 and casc genes are both located on breast cancer susceptibility locus. While the SNP rs3817198 in lsp1 gene has a twilight association with breast cancer in different populations, casc rs4784227 polymorphisms have been reported to associate with breast tumor appearance in Asian, European, and African ancestry populations. The present report was designed a case-control group aimed at assessing the association of these two SNPs with breast cancer risk in the Iranian population.

Methods: In the case-control study of rs3817198 and rs4784227 polymorphisms in 100 women with breast cancer and 100 healthy women were examined by Tetra Arms PCR. Data collected using SPSS software and chi-square test and correlation coefficient were used for statistical analysis.

Results: The results of current study showed that the Chi-square of lsp1 rs3817198 and casc rs4784227 polymorphism genotypes in breast cancer, were reported to be 51.613 and 47.920, respectively. Also there has been a significance level of both polymorphisms resulting in the frequency of genotypes in these two polymorphisms between case and control group.

Conclusions: Our finding thus suggested that in both polymorphisms, homozygote genotype showed strong correlation with cancer susceptibility. While, TT genotype in lsp1 rs3817198 showed significant association with pathogenic properties, in the case of casc rs4784227 genotypes CC, and in second place, TT showed similar correlation.
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Type of Article: Original Article | Subject: Cell Biology
Received: 2019/12/22 | Accepted: 2020/01/13 | Published: 2020/12/1

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